Day 1 in Kota Kinabalu: Settling In and Exploring Imago Mall

A Twist in Plans: Our 12-Day Holiday in Kota Kinabalu

Our journey to Kota Kinabalu had been in the works for months, meticulously planned around two key events that my kids were eager to participate in. We were set to attend a music festival at Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa from August 30th to September 1st, 2024, and then join in the excitement of the Regatta competition from September 6th to 8th, 2024. The anticipation was high, and the kids were buzzing with excitement.

However, as life would have it, things didn’t go as planned. Despite our best efforts, I was unable to get tickets for the music festival. Shortly after, we received another disappointing update: the Regatta competition had been canceled. The event coincided with the SUKMA (Malaysia Games) taking place that same month, and the organizers decided to call it off.

With our original plans falling apart, I found myself at a crossroads. I had already booked our flights and the homestay, so there was no turning back. Despite the unexpected changes, we decided to make the most of our 12 days in Kota Kinabalu. After all, every adventure comes with its surprises, and sometimes, the best memories are made when plans don’t quite go the way we envisioned.

And so, our journey begins with a sense of openness to whatever Kota Kinabalu has in store for us!


Our Journey Begins: Day 1 in Kota Kinabalu with My Little Ones

Yesterday marked the beginning of our adventure in Kota Kinabalu with my two little ones, and what a day it was! The excitement must have seeped into our dreams because we woke up at the crack of dawn, eager to start our journey. After a quick breakfast to fuel up, we headed straight to the airport, and our trip officially began!

By noon, we landed at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA), where we were greeted with a wonderful surprise—our dear friend Aunty Sylvia!

Meeting her brought a rush of happiness and warmth; it was a great start to our day in this beautiful city. After catching up for a bit, webooked an AirAsia Ride to our homestay at Sutera Avenue.

Little did we know, our journey from the airport to the homestay would turn into quite an adventure of its own. Traffic was at a standstill due to rehearsals for an upcoming event in Kota Kinabalu. Roads were closed, and traffic police were busy guiding the flow of vehicles. We spent what felt like ages in the car, slowly inching our way forward. As the clock ticked closer to 2 p.m., hunger began to kick in. My little ones and I were tired, and our empty stomachs grumbled louder with every passing minute.

When we finally arrived at our homestay at Sutera Avenue's Tower 2, all the stress and fatigue seemed to melt away. This homestay turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever stayed in. It felt like a home away from home with all the amenities and kitchenware perfectly arranged, and there were even seasonings for cooking!

 It was clear that every little detail was thought of, making it feel cozy and welcoming.  If you're looking for a comfortable and well-equipped place to stay in Kota Kinabalu, I highly recommend our homestay at Sutera Avenue. You can check it out here.

Once we settled down and took a moment to rest, it was time to find some much-needed food. We decided to head to a nearby coffee shop called KOPI PING. However, just before heading out, my boy mentioned he was starting to feel a bit of gastric discomfort. So, we made a quick stop at Orange Convenience Shop to grab some bread and V-Soy for him to snack on and keep his tummy settled until we could sit down for a proper meal.

With his gastric under control, we made our way to KOPI PING and finally indulged in a delicious lunch. The flavors, the atmosphere, and the sense of relief that came with eating after such a long wait made it all the more memorable.

Day 1 in Kota Kinabalu may have been filled with a few unexpected twists and turns, but it was also filled with warmth, love, and unforgettable moments. As I looked at my little ones’ tired but happy faces, I knew this was just the beginning of a fantastic adventure.  

After finally satisfying our hunger at KOPI PING, we decided to head to Imago Shopping Mall to explore and unwind. Instead of braving the terrible traffic again, we chose to take the foodbridge to the mall—a much smarter move to avoid the gridlock!

Once we arrived, the kids were bursting with excitement, eager to visit a few of their favorite spots. First on the list was the toy shop, where their eyes lit up at every aisle filled with colorful toys and games. Then, we made our way to the arcade shop, where they spent an energetic hour playing games, winning tickets, and trying their best to hit the high scores.

Our final stop was Lovita, where they found a few more treasures to add to their growing collection. It was a perfect way to wrap up the day, full of laughter and joy, and a reminder of how even the simplest plans can turn into unforgettable memories.

After all the fun and games at Imago Shopping Mall, we decided to make a quick stop for some grocery shopping. The kids were excited to pick out their favorite snacks, and we stocked up on essentials—fresh fruits, bread, milk, and everything we needed to refill the refrigerator back at our homestay. It felt great to have a kitchen full of goodies, ready for the days ahead.  I even picked up some fresh cucumbers to pair with my vodka back at the homestay—because after a day full of surprises, a refreshing drink was the perfect way to unwind!

With bags full of groceries and a sense of contentment, we headed back to our cozy homestay, ready to unwind and relax after a day filled with so many unexpected adventures.

At night, the kids settled in for a cozy movie session with their favorite snacks, while I indulged in some quiet time with a horror fiction novel I had brought from Sandakan. 

With a glass of cucumber vodka in hand, I found the perfect way to unwind. As the story and the drink worked their magic, I started feeling incredibly sleepy. We all decided to call it a night early, wrapping up our first day in Kota Kinabalu with a sense of satisfaction and relaxation.




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