Day 6 in Kota Kinabalu: A Lazy Morning, a Crazy Idea, and a Night Stroll with a View

Wake up so late today at 10 am, and honestly, it felt great. I slept late with the kids last night because, hey, we're still on vacation! Before we finally crawled into bed last night, I had this wild idea: “Kids, what if mummy just wears her pyjamas and goes to the convenience store to buy some supper? Do you think people will look at mummy like I’m some kind of weirdo?” 😂

Jia Ying, my ever-supportive little one, looked at me with a smile and said, “No worries, Mommy! I’ll go down with you. No one will care what you wear, even without makeup!” But then, as my crazy idea started to take root, I suddenly felt the pull of my comfy bed and… poof, just like that, my brilliant plan was forgotten. Sleepyhead strikes again! 🛏️💤

This morning’s breakfast was a mix-and-match affair: leftover Bolognese, chicken siu pau, scrambled eggs, and a nice glass of Ovaltine to wash it all down. Not exactly a Michelin-star menu, but it did the trick! 🍳🥤

Then came the dreaded “revision time” for the kids. Our little boy, however, had other ideas. He was in full-on “avoidance mode,” dragging time like a professional procrastinator! He kept finding new and creative ways to delay: “Oh, I need to sharpen my pencil…again.” “I think I need to drink some water, maybe twice.” 😅 I could see he was pulling out all the stops to skip revision!

So, I sat next to him like a detective, munching on sunflower seeds, and kept a close eye on his every move. My presence alone made him realize there was no escaping today’s study session. Eventually, he gave in — but not without a few more “urgent” distractions along the way!

Finally, around 1:30 pm, we managed to leave the house and made our way to Imago Shopping Mall for a much-needed change of scene and a late lunch. As soon as we arrived at the mall's main entrance, we were greeted by a lively performance. Jia Ying, couldn't resist joining in the performance with the crowd. 💃🌟

After her spontaneous dance session, it was time to eat. A friend had recommended a restaurant on the ground floor called SANNA MEE, so we decided to give it a try. The food was delicious, and we spent the whole afternoon strolling around the mall, shopping, and enjoying the lively atmosphere until we were absolutely exhausted. After a fun afternoon of exploring Imago Mall, we decided to have dinner at a place recommended by another friend: Restaurant Kam Tong. Known for its comforting, hearty local dishes, it seemed like the perfect spot to refuel. As we walked in, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making our stomachs rumble in anticipation. The atmosphere was lively, with a mix of families, friends, and couples enjoying their meals.

As we walked back from Imago to Sutera Avenue, the city began to wind down for the night, and the scenery was simply beautiful. The streetlights cast a soft, warm glow.

The city lights making the whole scene feel almost magical. Buildings stood tall, watching over us like silent guardians. Every so often, a car would pass, its headlights cutting through the darkness like a beam from a lighthouse. 

Back at Sutera Avenue, I took one last glance at the twinkling city lights, feeling content with our little adventure. Sometimes, the most memorable moments come from the simplest things — a late-night walk, and a beautiful view.

Now, it's time to unwind at the homestay. I think a cozy blanket, a good book, and maybe even a facial mask are calling my name… Gotta keep that vacation glow going! 😜

Until tomorrow, Kota Kinabalu!




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