Discovering Asiatique The Riverfront Bangkok – A Night of Shopping, Dining, and Entertainment


Bangkok is known for its vibrant night markets and endless entertainment options, and one destination that perfectly combines these elements is Asiatique The Riverfront. This open-air lifestyle mall offers a unique blend of shopping, dining, and cultural performances, all set along the Chao Phraya River. Asiatique is more than just a night market; it’s an experience where traditional Thai culture meets modern attractions. In this blog, we’ll explore the best food stalls, highly recommended restaurants, and unique stores you shouldn’t miss during your visit.

Location and Getting There

Asiatique The Riverfront is located on Charoen Krung Road, easily accessible by a free shuttle boat from Saphan Taksin BTS station. The scenic boat ride is an attraction in itself, offering stunning views of the river and the city skyline as you head toward Asiatique’s brightly lit ferris wheel.

Shopping and Market Highlights

Once you arrive, you’ll find yourself in a vast, beautifully designed space divided into different zones. Asiatique is home to over 1,500 boutiques, ranging from trendy fashion outlets to artisanal shops selling unique handicrafts and souvenirs. The Factory District is where you’ll find most of the fashion stores, offering everything from designer clothes to locally-made accessories. The Town Square District houses more international brands and lifestyle products, perfect for those who love hunting for unique finds.

Don’t miss the Charoenkrung District, where you can discover Thai crafts, silk products, and artwork. This area is perfect if you’re looking for authentic souvenirs or gifts.

Best Food Stalls and Restaurants

No visit to Asiatique would be complete without indulging in its culinary delights. Here are some of the most popular and highly rated food spots travelers rave about:

1. Kodang Talay Restaurant

For seafood lovers, Kodang Talay is a must-visit. This riverside restaurant specializes in Thai-style seafood dishes with an emphasis on fresh, local ingredients. The grilled river prawns, spicy seafood salad, and tom yum soup are favorites among diners. The outdoor seating offers a fantastic view of the river, making it an excellent spot for a relaxed dinner.

2. Baan Khanitha by the River

Baan Khanitha is a well-known name in Bangkok’s dining scene, and their Asiatique branch doesn’t disappoint. The restaurant serves authentic Thai cuisine in a charming, traditional setting. Signature dishes include massaman curry, grilled chicken with pandan leaves, and spicy papaya salad. The riverside ambiance adds a romantic touch to the dining experience, making it a great choice for couples.

3. Happy Fish

This trendy restaurant and bar offers a laid-back vibe with live music and a menu focused on Thai fusion cuisine. Popular dishes include seafood platters, fried chicken with chili paste, and various Western-Thai fusion creations. It’s a great place for groups who want to enjoy good food, drinks, and music under the stars.

4. The Mango Garden

A must-try for dessert lovers, The Mango Garden serves some of the best mango sticky rice in Bangkok. The presentation is beautiful, with perfectly ripe mango slices served alongside sticky rice infused with coconut milk. They also offer other mango-based desserts, like smoothies and ice cream, that are perfect for cooling down after exploring the market.

5. Street Food Stalls in the Warehouse District

For an authentic taste of Thai street food, head to the Warehouse District. You’ll find an array of food stalls serving popular dishes like pad Thai, grilled satay skewers, and som tum (green papaya salad). One standout stall is Hoy Tod Chao Lay, known for its crispy oyster omelets that are crispy on the outside yet soft and juicy inside. Another crowd favorite is the grilled squid stall, offering tender, perfectly charred squid with a spicy dipping sauce.

Unique Attractions and Entertainment

Beyond shopping and dining, Asiatique offers a range of entertainment options that showcase Thailand’s rich culture. Here are some must-see attractions:

  • Calypso Cabaret Show: One of Bangkok’s most famous ladyboy shows, Calypso Cabaret offers a dazzling display of performances with stunning costumes, vibrant music, and captivating choreography.

  • Muay Thai Live: The Legend Lives: Experience the history and drama of Thailand’s national sport through this action-packed stage performance. The show combines traditional Muay Thai with modern theatrical effects, making it an exciting experience for visitors of all ages.

  • Asiatique Sky Ferris Wheel: Standing 60 meters tall, the Asiatique Sky offers panoramic views of Bangkok’s cityscape and the Chao Phraya River. Riding the Ferris wheel at night provides a magical view of the illuminated city and is a popular activity for couples and families.

Tips for Visiting Asiatique The Riverfront

  • Best Time to Visit: Asiatique comes alive after sunset, so plan your visit between 5 PM and 11 PM to experience the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Plan Ahead for Dinner: Restaurants can get crowded, especially on weekends, so it’s a good idea to make a reservation if you plan on dining at one of the more popular spots.
  • Bring Cash: While most stores and restaurants accept credit cards, it’s handy to carry cash for smaller food stalls and street vendors.

Asiatique The Riverfront is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Bangkok. Whether you’re in the mood for shopping, looking for delicious food, or simply want to enjoy a night out by the river, this vibrant night market has something for everyone. The combination of traditional Thai culture and modern attractions makes it a unique and memorable experience. Make sure to include it in your Bangkok itinerary for an evening filled with excitement, delicious eats, and unforgettable views.

How to Get to Asiatique The Riverfront from Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok

Asiatique The Riverfront is a popular destination located near Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok, making it an easy and enjoyable place to visit during your stay. Here’s a guide on how to get there:

1. By Free Shuttle Boat (Recommended)

One of the most scenic and convenient ways to reach Asiatique is by taking a free shuttle boat. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Take the complimentary shuttle boat from Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok to the Saphan Taksin BTS station.
  • Step 2: Once you arrive at Saphan Taksin, transfer to the free Asiatique shuttle boat, which runs frequently from 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
  • Step 3: Enjoy a short and scenic ride along the Chao Phraya River, offering stunning views as you approach the brightly lit Asiatique.

Travel Time: Approximately 20-25 minutes (including boat transfers).
Cost: Free.

2. By Taxi or Grab

If you prefer a more direct route, taking a taxi or booking a Grab ride is a quick and straightforward option.

  • Route: From Chatrium Hotel, simply follow Charoen Krung Road towards Asiatique. The distance is around 3 kilometers.

Travel Time: 10-15 minutes (depending on traffic).
Cost: Around 80-120 THB.

3. By Walking

For those who enjoy walking and exploring, you can also reach Asiatique on foot.

  • Route: Walk along Charoen Krung Road, following the river towards Asiatique. The walk is straightforward, and you’ll pass local shops and street vendors along the way.

Travel Time: Approximately 25-30 minutes.
Cost: Free.

Travel Tips

  • Best Time to Go: Asiatique is most vibrant after sunset. Plan your visit between 5:00 PM and 11:00 PM for the best experience.
  • Boat Ride Views: The shuttle boat ride offers fantastic views, especially as the sun sets and the city lights begin to shine.
  • Traffic Considerations: If you’re traveling by taxi or Grab during peak hours (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM), traffic can be heavy, so plan accordingly.

With these easy options, getting from Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok to Asiatique The Riverfront is hassle-free, allowing you to enjoy a night filled with shopping, dining, and entertainment along the river!

探索曼谷河滨夜市 Asiatique – 一晚的购物、美食和娱乐体验


曼谷以其充满活力的夜市和无尽的娱乐选择而闻名,而能够完美结合这些元素的一个目的地就是 Asiatique 河滨夜市。这座开放式生活方式购物中心结合了购物、美食和文化表演,坐落在湄南河畔。Asiatique 不仅仅是一个夜市,更是一种体验,将传统泰国文化与现代吸引力融合在一起。在这篇博客中,我们将探索最受欢迎的美食摊位、备受推荐的餐厅以及你在访问时不容错过的特色商店。


Asiatique 河滨夜市位于昭披耶路(Charoen Krung Road),可通过沙潘塔克辛(Saphan Taksin)BTS 站的免费接驳船轻松到达。沿河而行的风景船之旅本身就是一大亮点,您可以在前往 Asiatique 闪亮摩天轮的途中欣赏河流和城市天际线的美景。


一到达 Asiatique,您会发现自己置身于一个广阔且设计精美的空间,分为不同的区域。Asiatique 拥有超过 1,500 家精品店,从时尚潮流的服饰店到售卖独特手工艺品和纪念品的手工店应有尽有。**工厂区(Factory District)**是您可以找到大多数时尚店铺的地方,提供从设计师品牌服饰到本地制作的配饰。**广场区(Town Square District)**则汇集了更多国际品牌和生活方式产品,适合喜欢挖掘独特商品的购物爱好者。

不要错过昭披耶区(Charoenkrung District),这里汇集了泰国手工艺品、丝绸制品和艺术品,是寻找正宗纪念品或礼物的理想区域。


来到 Asiatique,品尝美食是不可错过的体验。以下是一些广受好评并备受游客推崇的美食地点:

1. Kodang Talay 餐厅

对于海鲜爱好者来说,Kodang Talay 是必去之地。这家河畔餐厅专注于泰式海鲜料理,强调新鲜的本地食材。烤河虾、辣味海鲜沙拉和冬阴功汤是食客的最爱。户外座位提供了极佳的河景,是享受悠闲晚餐的理想地点。

2. 河畔 Baan Khanitha

Baan Khanitha 是曼谷餐饮界的知名品牌,其 Asiatique 分店同样不负众望。餐厅提供正宗泰国美食,环境充满传统泰式风情。招牌菜有马沙文咖喱、香兰叶烤鸡和辣木瓜沙拉。河畔的氛围为用餐体验增添了浪漫气息,是情侣的理想选择。

3. Happy Fish


4. The Mango Garden

对于甜品爱好者来说,The Mango Garden 是不可错过的去处,这里提供曼谷最好吃的芒果糯米饭。精致的摆盘配上完美成熟的芒果片和浸透椰奶的糯米,深受食客喜爱。他们还提供其他芒果类甜品,如冰沙和冰淇淋,是逛完市场后降温的完美选择。

5. 仓库区的街头美食摊位

想要体验地道的泰国街头美食,前往仓库区是不错的选择。这里有各种食物摊位供应受欢迎的菜肴,如泰式炒河粉(Pad Thai)、烤沙爹串和青木瓜沙拉(Som Tum)。其中一个值得一试的摊位是Hoy Tod Chao Lay,以其外脆里嫩的脆皮牡蛎煎蛋而闻名。另一个人气摊位是烤鱿鱼摊,提供嫩滑且完美炭烤的鱿鱼配上辛辣的蘸酱。


除了购物和美食,Asiatique 还提供一系列展示泰国丰富文化的娱乐选择。以下是一些必看景点:

  • Calypso Cabaret Show:曼谷著名的人妖秀之一,Calypso Cabaret 以其华丽的服装、动感的音乐和迷人的舞台表演而闻名。

  • Muay Thai Live: The Legend Lives:通过这场充满动作的舞台表演,体验泰国国家运动的历史与魅力。表演结合了传统泰拳和现代戏剧效果,适合所有年龄段的游客观看。

  • Asiatique Sky 摩天轮:高达 60 米的 Asiatique Sky 提供了曼谷市景和湄南河的全景视野。晚上乘坐摩天轮,可以欣赏到城市灯火辉煌的美景,是情侣和家庭游客的热门活动。


  • 最佳参观时间:Asiatique 在日落后开始热闹起来,建议在下午 5 点到晚上 11 点之间前往,体验最为热闹的氛围。
  • 提前计划晚餐:餐厅在周末可能会很拥挤,如果计划在热门餐厅用餐,建议提前预订座位。
  • 携带现金:尽管大部分商店和餐厅接受信用卡,但小吃摊和街头商贩更方便使用现金。

Asiatique 河滨夜市是曼谷旅行不可错过的目的地。无论你是想购物、品尝美食,还是仅仅想在河边度过一个愉快的夜晚,这个充满活力的夜市都有适合每个人的活动。传统泰国文化与现代吸引力的结合,使它成为一次独特且难忘的体验。在你曼谷的行程中,一定要安排一个充满兴奋、美味佳肴和难忘景致的夜晚在 Asiatique。

如何从 Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok 前往 Asiatique 河滨夜市

Asiatique 河滨夜市是距离 Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok 不远的热门景点,因此在入住期间前往参观十分方便且愉快。以下是前往 Asiatique 的几种交通方式指南:

1. 搭乘免费接驳船(推荐)


  • 步骤 1: 乘坐 Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok 提供的免费接驳船前往沙潘塔克辛(Saphan Taksin)BTS 站。
  • 步骤 2: 抵达 Saphan Taksin 后,换乘 Asiatique 的免费接驳船,该船从下午 4:00 至晚上 11:00 频繁运行。
  • 步骤 3: 享受沿湄南河的短途风景之旅,随着接近灯火辉煌的 Asiatique,您将欣赏到迷人的城市夜景。

预计行程时间: 约 20-25 分钟(包括船只换乘)。
费用: 免费。

2. 乘坐出租车或 Grab

如果您更喜欢直接抵达的方式,乘坐出租车或使用 Grab 打车是快速且方便的选择。

  • 路线: 从 Chatrium Hotel 出发,沿昭披耶路(Charoen Krung Road)向 Asiatique 前进,距离约 3 公里。

预计行程时间: 10-15 分钟(视交通情况而定)。
费用: 约 80-120 泰铢。

3. 步行

对于喜欢步行和探索的游客,也可以选择步行前往 Asiatique。

  • 路线: 沿着昭披耶路步行,沿河前行至 Asiatique。途中您还可以经过一些本地商店和街头摊贩。

预计行程时间: 约 25-30 分钟。
费用: 免费。


  • 最佳访问时间: Asiatique 在日落后最为热闹,建议在下午 5:00 至晚上 11:00 之间前往,体验最为丰富的氛围。
  • 船上景观: 接驳船之旅可以欣赏到极佳的景色,尤其是在夕阳西下,城市灯光开始点亮时。
  • 交通状况: 如果您在高峰时段(下午 5:00 至晚上 8:00)乘坐出租车或 Grab 出行,交通可能会较为拥堵,请提前做好安排。

无论选择哪种方式,从 Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok 前往 Asiatique 河滨夜市都非常方便,让您享受一个充满购物、美食和娱乐的夜晚!




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